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Do I Have Enough Jawbone For Implants?

Layered Image of the Face with the Jawbone in red.When it comes to determining whether or not you are a viable candidate for dental implants, there are many things that we have to look at. One of the most important things is your bone density. Without a proper density, you could find yourself with more damage in the long run than you had started out with. Here at BiteLock, Dr. Pedro Franco can help you to find out whether or not implants are the solution for you. If they are not, we can also help you to find an alternative solution that can also restore your smile to its former glory.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a commonly used restorative tool that allows us to fill in gaps where teeth are missing or were extracted in an earlier procedure. This is a small titanium post that is surgically inserted into your upper or lower jaw, where it heals and fuses with your jawbone. This allows us to put some different prosthetics in place depending on your individual needs and can get you back on your feet as soon as possible. These act as the root of false teeth, allowing for a wider versatility than any other prosthetic.

Why Does Jaw Density Matter?

When you have a missing tooth for a long while, the bone in the area begins to atrophy or break down. When that happens, the area loses strength and does so rapidly. This also happens when patients where traditional dentures for an extended period. When this happens to the bone, it grows much weaker. If we tried to put an implant into a weak bone, it simply would not take hold. It could further damage the area, and it would ultimately likely be rejected by your jaw. However, there are ways around this if you find that your jaw is too thin, and it is a relatively simple procedure called a bone graft. The only problem is that it adds a significant amount of time onto your overall procedure.

How Do I Know if I Have Enough Jaw Bone?

The only way to know for sure if you have enough jaw bone is to come in. Our expert staff has years of experience, and we can analyze your jaw. We will physically examine it by touching, looking, and measure the jaw and the jaw arch. We can also use x-rays (along with other scans if necessary) to determine the density of your bone. We can then decide if it is sufficient, and if so, can proceed with the surgery.

Bone Grafting

Woman Smiling after Bone Grafting at Bite Lock in the Dallas Metro Area.BiteLock knows that implants can be tricky business. Missing teeth can cause all kinds of problems, including even further bone loss. However, this kind of problem can still be dealt with. We have several options when it comes to bone loss or shallow jawbones. One of these options is bone grafting or bone augmentation. If you require bone-grafting, then give us a call today. We can help direct you toward your best options and can help you every step of the way, from diagnosis to procedure to the healing afterward. Give us a call today to see what we can do for you.

Why Do I Need Bone Grafting?

If you need bone grafting, you have experienced some tooth loss, and likely, this is leading to more bone loss. This can happen for any number of reasons, though. Something as simple as cavities can lead to much worse problems and infections. Gum disease can also lead to tooth or bone loss. You could also have simply had a tooth knocked out due to an injury of some kind, or maybe you are missing a tooth from an issue when developing. Whatever the reason is, we are here to help it heal. Now, if you have a procedure done to repair the gap, an implant is necessary. This is an appliance that is implanted directly into your jaw bone. However, if your jaw is too weak, then a bone graft may be necessary.

What Happens During a Bone-Graft?

To start, there are several options to pick between for supplying the graft. Most often, bone for the graft is taken from another part of your jaw to be put where the implant needs to go. However, there is not always enough bone to go around. In cases like this, there are more options. One is to take bone from your tibia or your hip. Both places have the proper cells to spur bone growth. However, hips require the use of anesthesia and a hospital stay. If you aren’t big on surgeries, you may decide to go with something synthetic, or another great option is a cadaver bone.

Once you have made your decision and you are ready for the process to begin, you will be placed under anesthesia via IV. You will have a cone beam CT scan, and then there will be two incisions, one in the gums to see how much bone is needed, and one (if you decided to go this route) where the bone will be extracted. We will take a bone block, either from the donor site or the cadaver bone, and will screw it to the recipient site, where the bone needs to grow. Then, we will close the incision.

Recovery for these types of procedures vary. You will be given antibiotics and pain medication, and there may be some foods to avoid to keep the area from being disturbed. It depends on each patient.

If you are wondering if an implant is a right solution for you, call Dr. Pedro Franco today and find out if you are a good candidate. Regardless of whether or not you qualify, you are sure to leave with a plan about how we can work alongside you to fill in that gap and restore your health and happiness. Your comfort and satisfaction are our number one priorities. BiteLock will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the procedure, so feel free to give us a call today at (972) 594-7414!
Bite Lock Teeth in a Day by Dr. Pedro F. Franco - Dallas, TX

IRVING, TX 75062
(972) 594-7414


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ENNIS, TX 75119
(972) 875-7616

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